Xisuminati Mod Pack Modlist
Modpack created and maintained by @jotato

- Auto Packager
- Better Bedrock Gen
- ExtraBiomesXL
- Capenters Blocks
- Chicken Chunks
- Chisel 2
- CoFH Framework
- Emotes
- Ender Storage
- Ex Astris
- Ex Nihilo
- Extra Buttons
- Extra Utilities
- Fast Leaf Decay
- FastCraft
- Gany's Nether
- Gany's Surface
- Gany's End
- Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
- Inventory tweaks
- IronChests
- Minefactory reloaded
- JourneyMap
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
- OpenBlocks
- Quantum Flux
- SolarFlux
- Smart Moving
- Storage Drawers
- The AetherII
- Thermal Expanson
- Tinker's Construct
- Waila Harvestability
- ZTones
- Obsidian Pressure Plates
- Runic Dungeons
- Baubles
- passive torch